Permatex 1C Form A Gasket #1 Sealant (11oz)

Price: $8.72
Price shown above are inclusive of GST

Fast-drying, hard-setting sealant designed for sealing rigid materials and flanges, or patching holes and joints where permanent assembly is desired. Temperature range -65°F to 400°F (-54°C to 204°C); resists common shop fluids and fuels.




Suggested Applications; Freeze plugs, threaded connections, and manifold gaskets.


Suggested Applications; Freeze plugs, threaded connections, manifold gaskets.


Suggested Applications; Freeze plugs, threaded connections, manifold gaskets.

Directions for usage

Use on flanges, both sides of old or new gaskets, threaded and hose connections, cover plates and all semi permanent reassembly work. Clean surfaces thoroughly. Apply a thin, even film. Allow to air dry afew minutes until film becomes “tacky.” Then assemble and tighten into position.
